Disability Support

and a place for nice people.
South East Queensland

Hi there, my name is Dan and I feel so lucky to have found myself in this industry. It’s never really felt like a job to me but rather a place to meet great people who need a little help to live their lives to the fullest potential. I was initially introduced to the disability sector by family and have never looked back since. I’m really excited to help you work towards achieving your goals. Check my details below and see how I can help you. Let’s have a chat and make a plan to help you move forward.


Areas I currently provide support

Community access and participation. Outdoor activities and sports. Assistance using alternative communication such as social stories and compics. Personal training.
Domestic assistance.

A little more about me

Supported people with disabilities since 2012. Qualified personal trainer. Have experience working with challenging behaviours. I lead a healthy lifestyle and I'm interested in outdoor activities and anything to do with the ocean. 
Contact 0418763783 / Instagram
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